Cabrio® - Expect top quality for the export market with the BASF AgCelence® solution for citrus.

What you put into your orchard today – your hard work, passion and AgCelence® – determines the future for generations to come.

AgCelence® supports BASF’s commitment to innovation that will enable you to produce top quality fruit sustainably, year after year.

Our AgCelence® solutions help you to manage your farm optimally through increased plant growth efficiency, excellent disease control and better stress tolerance.

With AgCelence® you are assured of improved production efficiency, marketable quality and the best return on your investment, so that you can fulfil your promise of prosperity and sustainability for future generations.

AgCelence® – Helping you grow your profit – year after year.

Expect top-quality for export with Cabrio®

As a citrus producer you have to overcome many challenges to ensure that the crop is acceptable for export as well as your profitability. South African citrus producers have confirmed that with Cabrio® – the BASF AgCelence® citrus solution – you get the best return on investment and contribution to excellent farm management, year after year!

Cabrio® on citrus is not only an excellent solution to control black spot; you can also expect physiological benefits for the best quality and optimum fruit pack out. We call this the AgCelence® effect.

Cabrio® delivers on the following AgCelence® benefits:

  • Excellent preventive control of citrus black spot (Guignardia citricarpa)
  • Improved plant growth efficiency
  • Increased plant stress tolerance – extended fruit-bearing life of older trees
  • Uniform fruit of optimum sizes, resulting in higher export pack out.

Cabrio® will enable you to deliver the best quality citrus crop for the export market.
